Taylor turned 9 on January 9, 2011 so yes this is waaaaay late but i forgive myself!! Taylors birthday was on a Sunday this year so ya know Sunday birthdays aren't the most entertaining but it still turned out super fun. Nana came the day before and the Pietz family ended up stopping by to give her a present so it actually turned into a party. She wanted an ice cream sandwich cake so that is what she got!! Taylor is growing up so fast. She looks like she is twelve and i feel kind of bad because sometimes we treat her that way too. She is just so responsible, helpful, smart, witty, beautiful, kind, and thoughtful that it is hard to remember sometimes that she is only "9!" We love Taylor so much she is the perfect fit in our family.
She swims for FRAC which is the city swim team and loves it. She loves learning new things and is always asking if she can help or if I will teach her how to cook things! I am loving that:)