Friday, August 29, 2008

My day from well lets not say.....

Yesterday was a not so fabulous day just had to write it down so I can toss it away and not remember it.

I woke up at 5:30 to go meet a friend and run. This was the first time we did this and had talked about it over a week ago, we hadn't talked about it since so I remembered (which is a miracle) and she didn't. I drove over to her house and when I was backing out hit the deck of their boat (this is where it all begins) no damage to the strong wood deck and I THOUGHT no damage to my new minivan, yes we have given into the mini-van craze anyway another story for another day. Came home went running here which was good. Got home woke kids up for school made eggs, bacon, toast this is rare on school mornings but it happened!! Kids got ready sent Makenna to school in a frenzy and crying because Will was leaving today so that throws her into a spin. Taylor was fine. Makenna calls from school and has left her planner that I have to sign and send back everyday but assures me I don't need to bring it just need to place it in a place where we will remember it. Glad my kids can help me!!! Will comes home upset because of family drama, (were in a family business if that explains things) I probably shouldn't even say this because I will create more drama but today I don't care. So there are a few tears in between problems. I was supposed to meet my friend at Costa Vida for lunch with kids and was late talking to Will and helping him get ready to go. Were outside and suddenly he looks up and says what happened to the car that is when I notice the huge dent in the back that I have created my heart sunk! I went to go pick up kids from school and told Makenna she could not go to her soccer practice because she had a church activity instead. This did not go over well!!! Crying and craziness. Don't worry this all sounds like rambling but it gets better. I go to get Davis out of the car and he has the seat belt wrapped around his belly some weird way it is locked and squeezing his internal organs he was making a choking sound at one point I am freaking out! After 10 minutes got him out. Come inside start homework, piano, etc. Davis is grabbing his throat and saying it hurts the lifesaver will come out. So he is saying a lifesaver is lodged in his throat. I'm thinking is this day really happening....Yep it is. I gave him water and after a little while he seems ok.

To sum it up it was a crazy day but I just had to write it down so I remember some of the not so fun times along with all of the great ones. On the positive at least my little boy still has his organs and is not choking.
I have a feeling today is going to be a great day.....I hope??!!!


Kat said...

Oh man I'm so sorry Lindsay that sounds like a doozy.(if I spelled that wrong, sorry). I talked to you on the phone last night and didn't even ask how you were, bad sister. Hope things get better today. We love you.

Heather said...

Linds i'm so sorry!! That made me want to cry right with you!!
We all have those days we just don't want to remember!!
I wish i could get up that early to run.... i don't think it will ever happen. :)

hope today is better

Rachel said...

It's days like that, that make you appreciate the days when life seems a little boring. Hope today is better.

Marie said...

Oh Lindsay, I'm so sorry you had such a crazy day. I hope your following days get better.

Hilary said...

Let's just chalk it up as what it really was, a day from HELL!!! The one good thing about days like this is it gives us mom's great stories to tell each other, and you know we all do! We thrive on these things! It's great! Good work making it through, start gearing up for the next one because I am sure it is right around the corner

Jean Smith said...

ok...i don't mean to giggle, but WOW...sounds like you had a day to rival my crap of a day last week!!!