Saturday, April 26, 2008

crazy days...........

Crazy socks, crazy glasses, crazy shoes, crazy hats.........the kids at school are star testing and so they get to wear something crazy everyday to keep them excited about school!!! Guess who participated daily even though she has nothing to do with star testing? Taylor. Makenna loved the fact that they allowed them to chew gum while testing. I guess it helps bring out the smart genes or something! Were so excited for Mom and Aly to get here for the multiple birthday festivities.


Heather said...

Love the outfit, Love the new look, & how exciting to see your Mom & Alyson!!! Tell your mom hi from me!!

Hilary said...

Taylor is sooooo cute! I need to chew gum to help me think too! I think it really works. I wish I was going to be there with mom and Aly!!! Oh well, I guess they don't want me to go into labor on the plane.

Jean Smith said...

um, hello...all of this crazy dressing is PERFECT for photo shoots. so cute!!!